Witchy’s (Highly Questionable) “Tarot Reading” (ish)

I am so excited to be learning how to do Tarot readings! I did everything Liberty taught me about how to prepare to do a…

How Witchy Came To Be…

Deep in the heart of the Transylvania Forest is secret woods, a forest of ancient, gnarled blue Witch Trees. They thrive in darkness, their sturdy,…

How Witchy Came To Be…

How Witchy Came To Be…

Deep in the heart of the Transylvania Forest is secret woods, a forest of ancient, gnarled blue Witch Trees. They thrive in darkness, their sturdy,…

How Witchy Came To Be…

How Witchy Came To Be…

  Deep in the heart of the Transylvania Forest is secret woods, a forest of ancient, gnarled blue Witch Trees. They thrive in darkness, their…

Witchy Packs Up Her Cauldron, Toothbrush and Stamp Collection, and Leaves Transylvania Forest

Once upon a time, Witchy lived in the Magical Blue Tree Woods. Hidden deep in the heart of the spooky Transylvania Forest, she had been…